Friday, August 24, 2012

Let Freedom Ring!! Ecuador Grants Asylum To The Brave Julia Assange

     One of the biggest criticisms that plague our generation (18-34yrs if not a bit older) is our inability to sacrifice for the greater good. Despite the world-changing communication technology that is social media many of us are still afraid to speak out... or speak up for the injustices of our time. It's almost like we're thinking "well, at least our streets don't look like Baghdad" as our justification to become so complacent with our way of life being slowly eroded.

    Canada is known for it pristine-like natural landscape, diversity, humbleness - for the most part.  Being ostracized, threatened, and targeted isn't something anyone, much less Canadian, would be willing to risk like Mr. Julian Assange did - after all, it would be sooo out of character (see humble link). Canadian journalists would rather stick to our wasteful spending and shocking government pay raises, or some irrelevant personal choice for 18 years ago when a candidate wasn't even in power as our "scandal of the century", Nobel prize-worthy tokens of keeping our government in check.

On August 16, 2012, the Ecuadorean foreign minister, Ricardo Patiño, granted political asylum for whistle-blower Julian Assange. In a speech that only real heroes can give, Assange thanked the entire Ecuadorean government and other Latin American countries that supported Patiño's adherence to their constitution on asylum laws.  See video:

Patiño's bravery is but one out of many countries finally taking a stand against America's nazi-like war on all domestic and foreign persons that dare to defy their authority.

      Safe passage for Assange to the airport has been denied by British foreign minister, William Hague, making it possible for authorities to arrest him should he emerge for the embassy at all - which, of course, only goes to highlight the moral corruption that exists within Britain's government.

     Brave people like Julian Assange or Bradly Manning have  come to embody what freedom and free-speech truly is. No longer are they simply ideals. For each day of confinement these two men suffer... is, literally, a reflection of our deepest fears should we ever stand up... and speak out. 

Free Bradley Manning! Free Julian Assange!

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