Monday, August 20, 2012

Never Say Never Pt 4: A Year of Clarity

To Be Originally Posted On August 15, 2012
       One year today I took my blinders off. One year ago today, I sought peace. Like many people, I've always wanted to be that person that truly made a difference - if not on a global scale, at least to a few whose realities have been changed by my being a part of it.

      Today marks so many special moments in my life, but not only do I remember this day to be the nauseating stink on all the compounded bullshit I was going through that whole week, it was also the most awe -inspiring and educational moment of my whole life. Scratch that. I don't think anything could beat my reaction to learning about how animal milk is really produced: once I got home, I immediately dumped the milk that was in the fridge and sitting in the freezer down the sink. You may find that to be crazy... I call it an act of liberty.

      There are many who call the incredible documentary Earthlings a propaganda piece - a feature length movie of isolated incidences that reflect nothing of what actually happens on most "organic" farms. While the statement does hold some merit - I said some, dammit - how these animals live out their lives are not their choosing. No cow wants to be separated from its calf to be used as a milking machine, no hen wants their throat snipped and head clipped off once she stops producing eggs, and no wild animal wants to be whipped a hundred times to perform tricks for a screaming crowd.  Most animals would prefer being left the fuck alone to enjoy nature's symphony and each moment of their time alive on this planet. I, being a sentient human being, am the same way.

      Aside from the series of setbacks, withdrawal systems, and frustrations that come with building new habits (i.e. suffering "the shakes" once eliminating eggs & cheese, the ridicule from others, how present my mind had to be when shopping  (I really need to get back into meditating) - and the desire to go back in eating "normally" - which was generated purely from the ridicule) I have introduced so many wonderful foods to my already plant-strong diets like zucchini, sweet yam, jalapeno peppers, sweet potato, cocoa powder and - dare I say it - white mushrooms (I know their a type of fungus, but I don't eat them all the time, sheesh! I was trying them) and just recently Almond yogurt- this is more for health reasons as I don't need this as a regular staple in my groceries and I refuse to just eat the animal-derived version. Anyways!!! It's not that I have never eaten these things before, it's just that I've never cooked with them with my own two hands. And the more I learn about and try new fruits and veggies, the more substance not depravity I have in this life-after cheese experience. When I need a "cheese" fix, I buy vegan cheese slices, use salt or butter, or make use of my nutritional yeast. But thankfully, those urges are far and few between. Besides, I still make great food without the use of cheese and eating plant-strong is all about getting creative in that kitchen.

      But there has to be a few of my favourite omnivorous foods I miss dearly. I'm not gonna lie... there is. I don't own a blended, but I am the proud owner of a self-powered mini food processor and I will be looking into making vegan pesto. I'm also interested in this lentil bolognese sauce, and still in search of a good alfredo sauce recipe.

      One new addition to this journey is my eating of more raw foods. Not to imply that I am now considering a raw vegan diet. I could never, won't ever... je m'excuse, I mean, I am currently having a great time working with more raw foods, and cooking them as oppose to packaged vegan stuff and I wish to continue learning more and incorporate more of these types of foods into my everyday life.

     As I look back on some of my old entries throughout this whole one-year journey, I see so much progress in such a short amount of time that, to be honest, never happened when I was in college. I thought I knew exactly who I was and what I wanted out of life, but since graduating so many of my values, my perspectives, my heart and mind have gone under a lot of redesign - some more for the better than others. Hey, I'm still human after all. I look forward to my many years ahead as a vegetarian and all the new physical and spiritual awakenings that has invoked a moral responsibility to all my choices thus far.

      As for any newbie out there who is just discovering this way of living I have only this advice: never stop learning about the issues and how you help everyday by eating this way, remember that your efforts do matter. Take all your set-backs in stride and always keep an open mind in trying new things to stay fit, healthy, morally-sane, and comfortable.

Video Inspiration: 
Best Speech You Will Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky

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