Tuesday, July 3, 2012

10 Years of... Everything

Hey Y'all,

     I know it's been a minute but SOOO much has went down that it was hard to find time to just sit and address them as they kept coming. But I hope you all are doing well and surviving during these hard economic times - and I will address that issue in another post.

     ANYWAYZ...Today is a very special day, not only for my significant other but for me as well - 10 years of well... I'm not too sure.  See, we're not exactly lovers but we're not exactly friends either and since breaking up about 5 years ago, we've sat comfortably between FWB and a real relationship. What that place is I'm not going to lose sleep trying to define, but I can't help wondering if it will ever manifest into something more grounded, more rooted.

    To try to accomplish the same feat with someone else at this stage of my life would be hard. And by that I mean... if you were to stand my 15-year-old self and today's me beside each other, I am almost an entirely different person - and I'm still a work in progress - and it would be even more difficult to meet a person that wants to walk with after understanding that journey. Don't get me wrong, my story pales in comparison to what a lot of other sistahs go through by the time they lick 25 - but I wouldn't say I was fed with a silver spoon either. So I am grateful. Not too many women who  have been in or is currently in a relationship with a man for this long can claim their biggest issue between them (still!) is defining it - and after 10 years there's usually WAY more complicated factors to consider.

      I don't know why my quandary even surprises me - I am a curious case to deal with so it's wise for any man to tread carefully. My special somebody has seen the very worst of me and still chooses to stick around, and for walking that fine line between the real world and my reality with such endurance makes him more than just a whatever to me. He is hope, he is kindness, he is my north star, the blanket that keeps me warm in winter, the thought that quells my fears when I am so uncertain. He is someone I cannot define because... well, he's my everything.

So here's to another 10 years and more of, well... everything.

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